Enroll Windows 365 Business in 3 steps

Windows 365 Business and Enterprise has been around for the last year and the companies begin to see all the advantages to easy deploy a Windows pc.

In this post I want to show how easy it is to deploy Windows 365 Business for a user.

Are you a Small and Mid-size company that needs a company managed Windows PC for external consultants(Compliant device), MacOS users or temporarily need heavy compute power – Windows 365 is definitely a way to consider.

So how do you get started?

1. Assign a license

License manager / IT Admin
Go to https://admin.microsoft.com/ > Licenses > Windows 365 Business plan
Assign licenses for specific user.

2. Provision Cloud PC

Now we logon https://windows365.microsoft.com as the user – in this case my test user Cloud Eriksen.
In about 30min the new cloud pc will be provisioned.

W365 Business - Provisioning

Image 1 of 6

3. Logon to the Cloud PC

Now the Windows 11 (Windows 365 Business) Cloud PC is ready.
There are 2 options to logon.

From browser

Click Open in browser from above picture.

Type Username & Password

Image 1 of 4

From Microsoft Remote Desktop app

Click Get subion URL

Image 2 of 10

Things to be aware…

  • Only Azure AD Join.
  • Microsoft managed network, but VPN can be installed.
  • W365 Business is limited to 300 users.
  • Microsoft images only.
  • Possible to self-reset and rollback to restore-point.
  • Will be created in same location as your tenant(Not possible to change).
  • No advanced MEM troubleshooting(Endpoint analytics).
  • Windows 365 BPRT Permanent User will be created in the tenant(Do not delete).
  • Price overview can been found here